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Reporter visited the Tai Yuen Street Market replica louboutin pumps and a large food market share of some of shoe and found an imitation christian louboutin pumps version of The shoe sole material imitation models are mostly plastic, some people put on there feet burning sensation. Dalian City Second People’s Hospital told reporters Yu-Qin Gu, director of dermatology, the recent admissions of the seven or eight Corey wear this imitation erosion is very serious, a large number of blisters and rashes. Gu Yu-Qin said the doctor, wearing an imitation version of shoe allergy is relatively poor because of its texture, but not the plastic resin, Christian Louis Vuitton Nomade Louboutin Big Kiss studded leather flats_Purple adhesive rubber shoes and shoe dyes may contain harmful chemicals, with a certain irritation on the skin, and plastic poor ventilation, sweat does not evaporate as quickly as possible, it may induce contact dermatitis.
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